TRANSCRIPT - Blockchain antitrust - old wine in new bottles?

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This is the edited transcript of the Competition Lore podcast episode 31, "Blockchain antitrust - old wine in new bottles?", with Dr Thibault Schrepel

You can purchase a PDF download of the complete transcript of this podcast for US$10.

Blockchain is a technology that both bedazzles and bewilders!  For its hard core advocates, it is seen as the answer to the problem of concentrated power on the internet.  For others, its workings are as impenetrable as its implications.

In this episode we are joined by Dr Thibault Schrepel, Assistant Professor at the Utrecht University School of Law, who has made researching and teaching blockchain antitrust his specialty.  We canvas the risks of anti-competitive conduct on blockchain and the challenges it is likely to pose for authorities in enforcing the competition rules.

For those who are fairly new to the topic, you may find it useful to listen first to episodes 22 and 23 in which we laid the groundwork for this episode with an explanation of what this technology involves and whether it might pose a threat to Big Tech.

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TRANSCRIPT - Blockchain antitrust - old wine in new bottles?

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